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Hello @designteam Let's schedule a kick-off meeting and workshop this week. It would be great to gather everyone involved in the design project. Let me know about your availability in the thread.

Looking forward to it! Thanks.

4 replies

Hello everyone,

Thank you for the workshop, it was very productive meeting. I can't wait to start working on this new project with you guys. But first things first, I'am waiting for the offer and pitch deck from you. It would be great to get it by the end o the month.


Ok @team I'am attaching our offer and pitch deck. Take your time to review everything. I'am looking forward to the next steps! Thank you.

Looking forward to it! Thanks.


PDF, 2.3 MB


PPTX, 10.1 MB

Hello @jeseleos I need some informations about flowbite react version.

Hi @josephh Sure, just let me know whean you are available and we can speak.

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  2. Marketing UI code in Flowbite

    Get started with dozens of web components and interactive elements built on top of Tailwind CSS.

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  3. Marketing UI design in Figma

    Get started with dozens of web components and interactive elements built on top of Tailwind CSS.


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Transaction Date & Time Amount Reference number Payment method Status
Payment from Bonnie Green Apr 23 ,2021 $2300 0047568936 ••• 475 Completed
Payment refund to #00910 Apr 23 ,2021 -$670 0078568936 ••• 924 Completed
Payment failed from #087651 Apr 18 ,2021 $234 0088568934 ••• 826 Cancelled
Payment from Lana Byrd Apr 15 ,2021 $5000 0018568911 ••• 634 In progress
Payment from Jese Leos Apr 15 ,2021 $2300 0045568939 ••• 163 Completed
Refund to THEMESBERG LLC Apr 11 ,2021 -$560 0031568935 ••• 443 In review
Payment from Lana Lysle Apr 6 ,2021 $1437 0023568934 ••• 223 In review
Payment to Joseph Mcfall Apr 1 ,2021 $980 0057568935 ••• 363 Completed
Payment from Alphabet LLC Mar 23 ,2021 $11,436 00836143841 ••• 771 In progress
Payment from Bonnie Green Mar 23 ,2021 $560 0031568935 ••• 023 Completed

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